Thursday, May 22, 2014

Oil Pastel Experiment

This oil pastel is just an exercise.  It was meant for me to find out about oil pastels.

reference photo below.

Oil pastels are not as smugeable as chalk pastels.  I read on line that one method was mixing paint thinner with the pastel after it has been applied.  This gave it the soft look.  I used Turpenoid Natural.  I don't think that this is the correct product as the container said it was just for cleaning brushes.  I don't consider this piece finished as the colors need beefing up.  I think it was fun to just play around with the medium and see how difficult it was to get it to look halfway decent.

Monday, May 5, 2014

In the Forest

I did this pastel painting a few weeks ago.  I am not well versed in this medium, so it is experimental for me. 'Tis chalk pastel, not oil.  I have asked for oil pastels as a mother's day gift.  I took this photo at Cumming Nature Center a few years ago.

My father criticized it and said,  "It is not light enough in back"  I worked on lightening it up.  It is on grey paper.  This blog is title "Education in Creativity"  I am no longer in college...I graduated from the two year program.  I guess I should start a new blog.