Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Political Poppets

I was busy with my doll making a few weeks ago. I got distracted with starting a new job, painting my mezzanine and knitting so I have some unfinished business in the poppet department. I need to make running mates and wives.
I now make bendy dolls with sculpty type clay heads and also my usual cloth ones.

Get off Your Arse and Mow Your Lawn

I have become quite the knitter in the past few months. I followed a grid pattern and created a scarf, made shawl for my grand-daughter and have made about six or seven hats. I was sitting in the back yard knitting today and waved to my neighbor who I have never met. She was on her lawn mower. She yelled back and I could not understand her but after the sounds sunk in it sounded a little like, "Get off your arse and mow your lawn." What a world of conformity we live in! I have mowed my lawn pretty recently and it is not long. I have been slow to mow this year as I don't want to stress the lawn with the dry weather we have had. I have a beautiful bee garden that is quite glowy with goldenrod. Excuse me neighbor, who I have never met, I ENLOY KNITTING. If I feel like knitting I will and I find it difficult to understand you. I would not expect you to grow goldenrod in your lawn as I do so don't expect me to shave down my lawn as you do. We don't all march to the same drummer.