Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sculpting Class- Beginning the Planar View

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We are going to do a bust, or sculpt a head. For starters we have copied the plaster one in the center--we have to make a planer view first- which is a depiction of the angles of the face- this will be on one side. The other side will be musculature. Then in November we shall get our human model and build onto it into the model's likeness.

I just realized--I have not shared with my readers anything about my professors. I have Professor Fox for design and Professor Naegel for Sculpting and Foundation Drawing. Both are very good instructors- offering suggestions and guidance. Professor Naegel has to repeat himself many times to the students. "Do you have a ruler? Have you bought your supplies? No eating in class. Listen, everyone--you have to do your homework. I am expecting you to hand in your assignments." Prof. Naegel is a potter also. He teaches ceramics- which I am hoping to take in the spring.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Design 1

This is a type collage.

Foundation Drawing

I have quite a lot to learn about drawing, but I have a good start. This is a still life that I am not finished with.

Monday, October 3, 2011

finalization of letter i project

I finished up the letter i project. the final on the no focal point design is done very neatly. The focal point design is a little messy. I really think that the focal point design is a winner. rule of thirds and leading lines. The plaka is tricky the work with. It has to be just the right consistency to flow off the brush. We took our 5X5 designs and blew them up 200 percent with the copier. Next we penciled heavily the back side of the blow up. Next we took the penciled side of the blow up and put it right against the illustration board and went over the other side of the blow up outlining the i's Sort of like home made carbon paper. Then with the light pencil lines on the illustration board, we could see where we needed to ink. After inking the outlines we filled in the i's with plaka (black) and white over where the black went, that should not have.