Monday, September 24, 2012

Ceramics 1

Now, I shall exhibit my Ceramics projects.

Pinch pots......
We have learned how to wedge clay--or as I call- smashing out all the bubbles!

The requirement for our first assignment was a pinch pot at least 6 inches in one direction.  I have a little bear pot and a large vase or wine cooler.

They have improved- but I did not take photos.  the cooler is not quite as peanutty looking!  The bears have more detail and a little tray under them.  I am planning to use the bear pot to put a small plant in, maybe babies tears!  I put in a drainage hole.  I should check them in the morning to be sure that they are not drying too fast.  I have a fear of being the student who did not expel all the bubbles out of the clay.  Do you know what happens??!  The piece explodes and breaks other peoples pots in the kiln during firing. :-(

The wine pot is inspired by my white pine in my back yard.  I even took "inspirational" photos.  The photos guided me in the pine needle inscribing.

The next piece will be coil.  I am excited because I have a great ship..I shall share....

These are the evolutionary sketches as my idea comes together!

Into the First Few Weeks of the Fall 12 Semester!

I have a heavy load this fall.  I am taking more credits than I have ever taken at once before!  The grand total is 16.  I have four studio classes. ( I started my college career at Ithaca college- then William Smith- then Flcc nursing..)

Figure Drawing:  She is a great teacher.  She is organized and she really cares.  She photo catalogs all of our work.  I have Sarah for 3 of the 4 classes.  We are learning the body and have a weekly assignment to draw muscles and bones.  So far I have tackled the clavicle, scapula, and shoulder muscles.  I copied Michelangelo's back muscles last night.  We are learning gesture drawings.  I am very happy to have her as my teacher.

this was timed- can't recall- from now on I am going to mark with time. I think it was 20 minutes.

Above- I need to fix his chin a bit- she recommends less outlining.(30 min)

30 min
I was planning on doing a blog entry about all the classes --but it would make for to long of a blog..will have to do an entry for each!