Thursday, October 11, 2018

Lavender Sachets

I had another blog, Amiable Blogservations which I have been writing for years and years.  I decided to eliminate it because it has socially incriminating thoughts and ideas in it.  I have three months to change my mind. 

I sew for a local organization and this is my work.  These sell for 18 dollars for a group of three.  They are lavender sachets.

If anybody reads this who is a reader of the other blog and wants to advise me, that would be great.  I would like to hear if I should keep it on the internet.


  1. I don't know if I would delete the blog, Amy?
    There must be a way to make the blog private, or to direct it to a specific audience? The reality is there will likely always be a cached copy of the blog online, anyway; if you go to Google Images you will likely still see any pictures posted to the blog, for example, though it will probably only return a dead link when you click on one. You've said here that some of your posting aren't conventional, and the blog, itself, has always come with a caveat that it isn't conventional. It's not on you if people can't use as directed.
