Saturday, February 5, 2022

The 1898 Hat

I was in a knitting store that featured finished products that one might want to make. A man I am dating picked out a hat that he wanted me to knit for him. He is a buddhist and has little attachment to things and he spends most of the colder months in warmer climates so i doubt if it will be for him. Besides I already knitted him a hat. He says it rides up over his ears, but it has a fold downable edge. Who ever gets this hat will need to have a big head. The original pattern was for a 19 circumference head which is pretty small. I knitted it on larger needles. My son has a 23 inch head so it might fit him. The nice thing about the 1898 hat is that the hat has a double layer around the ears and it had ear flaps. I doublt if I will give it to my son as I have made woolens for him before and the item ends up being thrown in the laundry and ruined.
that is just a pillow on the chair bunched up (the black object with circles)

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