Saturday, April 20, 2024

Beware of Marijuana

When I was a little girl in the 70s, my parents smoked marijuana. I knew that they were doing it, but I wasn't allowed in the room with them. I can remember watching them from the stairway. I was very against marijuana till I turned about 16 and then I smoked at 33 times while in high school. When I was done with the 33 times I lay in bed one night and counted up all the times I had smoked. I decided I've had enough of it. All I did was feel sleepy with it so I spoke with my boyfriend and we stopped. I was pro legalization but now I have a different opinion. Smokers do not keep it in the privacy of their homes. They smoke while driving, putting everybody at risk. I wish I never smoked. I might not have gone psycho at age 26. gange be gone!

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