Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today was the beginning of the wire sculpture project

Our first project for sculpting and modeling is a wire sculpture. I decided that I wanted to keep it simple. For a biomorphic design you can either simplify or embellish the original form. It must be suggestive of a biological substance/creature/form. I chose to work off the form of a fish. My project morphed as I did sketches. Right now the form is in a fish motif. It must be expanded upon to only suggest a fish. Not sure exactly how to take it to that point. But drawing is crucial to sculpting--that is where the idea gets worked out. And it is also used in the progression of the idea. Now I will sketch some ideas of how to take the form away from the obviousness of the fish. The notes on the side are ideas and elements of to make it work, whatever direction I take it.

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