Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What's a Good Bargain in Education

I am going to get edjumacated. Has anyone noticed the dichotomy of philosophical viewpoints? That is the arrogant vs the bargain basement mentality regarding educational systems. What I am trying to say is that some people really look down their noses at the community college system. Sociology 101 is sociology 101 where ever you go!

I first encountered this in 1979. I was a arrogant little dr's daughter and I chose to go to Ithaca college. I later transferred the credits I earned to flcc when I pursued my nursing degree. in 1979 I could have received a continuation of my education---psych, sociology, into to the college level sciences at flcc. Instead I went off to the fancy school and withdrew.

When my kids went off to college--Natalie could not decide between Cornell and flcc. Cornell bribed her with a camping trip, so she went there. Natalie is not pretentious.

The four year private school is a racket. It plays on parent's pride. Thousands of dollars are raked into these institutions because a parent wants to brag the fact that their child is a success. It is a major status statement! Well, he might become successful, but has he learned to play the game or to think on his own? I paid 16,000 dollars for my daughter to go to Cornell and I am very proud of her. She excelled. My son went to Flcc and he makes more than she does. He is an agricultural worker for a famous grocery store chain. I was lucky that because my daughter was so gifted she received grant money. I am equally blessed that I was able to pay for my son's education right out of pocket.

Some say that a community college is a junior college- a continuation of high school. I have been to Hobart William Smith and Ithaca and I don't see the great chasm of quality that would be expected for the price difference.

All the profs want to see you go on to get a four year degree. That is a good thing. I think that the community college is a wonderful institution. It is an equalizer in this world of financial inequality. I don't think that the education is of a lesser quality.

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