Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ceramics 1-Progressing Nicely--Coil and Slab

These are the "coil method" projects(two-fold).  One was to have the coil shape as part of the design, which is below(the bread basket).  The other was supposed to demonstrate the joining of the coils, with the coil shape not as obvious(ship/bowls).  These coil viking ships have been fired and  glazed, since this photo, - but not  fired a second time, to my knowledge

  I drew a sketch of what I wanted to do prior to commencing the project.  The little pot did not resemble the sketch enough so I started again.  I went back and completed the first attempt. This  second completed project was not for a grade.

 This picture shows the pots prior to their first firing. (Leather hard, approaching greenware)  The pot on the left is for the assigment.  There is a sail motif on the other side of the ship/pot.

This, above, was trashed.

To be sure that drying is slow, we add plastic to thinner areas, to keep in moisture.

I painted this with slip, to many of the areas where the sections join together.
This is my bread basket.  This is also prior to the first firing. (greenware stage)  When this was created, the top of a kettle was uses as a form.  My first attempt was trashed as I forgot to line the inverted lid with plastic, to facilitate removal of the piece!

 All three pieces survived and progressed to being bisque ware.  I offered my retired father the chance to choose the color of the basket.  Glaze was applied prior to Thanksgiving vacation.  It should be reddish orange when I check it out tomorrow--Unless, of course, there was no firing.

Our next project is also two fold.  We are using the slab method.  One is soft slab, which I do not have a picture of.  I draped a soft slab over 3 spheres, a tennis ball, a super ball and another middlesize ball.  After it firmed up I attached tiny ball and worm shape figures on it. It resembles an enlarged bacteria.  I am excited to see how it will come out.  I will have fun picking out colors.  Above is the hard slab method.  It is an impression of the front of my hous.  It is not an exact replica, but it is close.  

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